Cap Handling Equipment

Zalkin cap handling equipment and system components include all the machines and technologies responsible for consistently delivering correctly positioned caps to the capper.

Cap handling systems are offered for rotary monobloc, rotary freestanding and single-head cappers.

Zalkin capping systems typically include a combination of the following cap handling equipment:

  • Cap orienters, such our new EcoTwin with no air consumption
  • Cap conveyors
  • Cap elevators
  • Automated bulk cap loading systems

Zalkin cap handling equipment and systems offer unmatched performance because each component is best-in-class, and all system components are designed to work together to meet or exceed a customer’s expectations.

Get in touch with a Zalkin representative near you for more information about Zalkin capping systems and equipment.

Zalkin cap orienting systems, which are also referred to as cap sorting systems or cap sorters, are offered for rotary monobloc, rotary freestanding and single-head cappers.

Zalkin cap conveying systems are available to deliver a wide range of cap types and sizes to the full range of Zalkin capping systems including rotary monobloc, rotary freestanding and single-head cappers.

Zalkin cap elevators supply a metered and controlled quantity of caps to rotary cap orienters at speeds up to 2,000 cpm (120,000 cph).

Zalkin automated bulk cap loading systems free-up operators to focus on machine operation and line performance by automating the loading of caps into feeder bins.

Combines multiple cap handling systems for optimal installation and integration on bottling lines.