Repair Kits

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Proactive, routine maintenance of Zalkin capping heads, head slides, and chucks will help keep your capping system operating at rated speeds and quality standards.

To help customers with their maintenance programs, Zalkin offers OEM Repair Kits that include every commonly needed part to perform a complete rebuild of selected capping system components.

Zalkin Repair Part Kits are configured for your installed system, and each Kit is shipped in individual bags labeled for your convenience. Within each kit, every part is individually labeled to make it easily identifiable.

Each kit also includes step-by-step instructions allowing for a properly trained technician to complete the rebuild. This significantly reduces overall maintenance cost and down time.

Ordering Zalkin OEM Repair Kits is fast and easy – just one part number is required for the Kit eliminating the ordering of numerous individual parts.

Call or e-mail Zalkin today to order your OEM Repair Kit:

Americas: Call 706-549-3300 or E-mail us at [email protected].

EMEA & Asia: Email us at [email protected].

Zalkin Repair Kits used as part of a proactive maintenance programs:
  • Improve operating efficiency
  • Reduce bad or misapplied cap application
  • Increase the useful life of your heads, head slides, and chucks
  • Help support regularly and timely execution of maintenance programs by having required parts on-hand and ready to install

Additional Information:

  • Zalkin recommends rebuilding capping heads and chucks at every 6,000 hours and headslides at every 18,000 hours.
  • Zalkin recommends annual audits to ensure that your plant conditions do not warrant more frequent routine maintenance.
  • Check the Maintenance Plan in your manual to ensure timely maintenance on these vital assemblies.